速報APP / 工具 / ELM OBD Terminal

ELM OBD Terminal





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Number 2, 208 Phan Ba Vanh Street Thai Binh city, Thai Binh province, Vietnam

ELM OBD Terminal(圖1)-速報App

Tool for Android devices - Version 2.0.5

ELM OBD Terminal is an OBDII compatible app. It can communicate with and the vehicle ECU via adapter ELM327 (or compatiple) on base of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi platform

Connection settings

1. Bluetooth connection - select proper bluetooth device

2. WiFi connection - select correct IP address and port

Default values:

IP address :

port: 35000


1. Available list of AT commands

2. Available list of generic OBDII PIDs

Sending command:

The app can issue any ELM327 AT command or hexadecimal OBDII PIDs

1. By selecting from available list of AT commands (OBDII PIDs) and tapping the Button Send.

2. By directly typing the AT command (OBDII PIDs) and tapping the Button Send.

After sending the sent command (OBDII PID) is displayed on the screen with the icon of TX

ELM OBD Terminal(圖2)-速報App

Receiving Response

The respond is displayed in the screen with icon of RX.


This app does not translate the responses from the car's ECU to human readable format.

So the user must translate them self these responses to readable format

Most of generic OBDII PIDs are fetched from available list have support formulas

Some AT command:

ATZ - reset all

AT WS - warm start

AT@1- display the device desription

AT@2 - display the device identifier

AT H1 - set headers on

AT H0 - set headers off

AT SP n - set protocol to n

AT DP - Describe the current protocol

AT AL - allow long (>7 byte) messages

AT AR - automatic receive

ELM OBD Terminal(圖3)-速報App

AT AT0 - adaptive timing off

AT AT1 - adaptive timing auto1

AT AT2 - adaptive timing ato2

AT BD - perform buffer dump

AT CAF0 - CAN auto format off

AT CAF1 - CAN auto format on

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Some Generic OBDII PIDs (hexadecimal format without part of 0x)

03 - show stored diagnostic trouble codes

04 - clear stored trouble codes and stored values

07 - show pending trouble codes

0A - show permanent diagnostic trouble codes

0902 - VIN vehicle identification number

0904 - calibration ID

0100 - PIDs supported [1..20]

010C - engine RPM - rpm, formula: (256*A + B)/4

010D - vehicle speed - km/h, formula : A

ELM OBD Terminal(圖4)-速報App

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ELM OBD Terminal(圖5)-速報App